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Latest ARS Food & Nutrition Research Briefs Posted

By Marcia Wood
July 31, 2003

The Agricultural Research Service has posted the July 2003 issue of Food & Nutrition Research Briefs on its web site at:


The Research Briefs present concise updates about ARS research in human nutrition, food freshness and safety, and related topics.

Included in the July 2003 issue:

  • Apples' appealing red color can be heightened by misting the fruit with an aromatic plant extract.
  • America's premier nutrient database is ready to download to the hard drive of your personal computer.
  • Genes may play a key role in the high incidence of childhood-onset obesity among Hispanic youngsters.
  • If you like apricots, chances are you'll enjoy eating ARS' "Apache," a sweet-tasting apricot that ripens in early May.
  • Some kinds of powdered iron used to fortify breakfast cereals and other foods may be more "bioavailable" for your body to absorb and use than others.
  • By spying on the growth and behavior of the indianmeal moth, scientists hope to outwit this key pest of cereal products stored in warehouses, markets--or your pantry.
  • A new, experimental vaccine for hens may be more effective than current vaccines in helping prevent the spread of Salmonella.

ARS is the chief scientific research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Contact: Marcia Wood, USDA-ARS Information Staff, Beltsville, MD 20705; phone (301) 504-1662, fax (301) 504-1641.

U.S. Department of Agriculture

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