ARS Research
Featured in Pest Management Science JournalBy Sharon
Durham May 15, 2003Agricultural Research Service pest
management research is the focus of the June issue of the scientific journal
Management Science. More than 200 ARS researchers from 16 states
published papers in the special issue, on subjects ranging from biological
control of pests to tracking agricultural chemical runoff in surface water. ARS, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's
chief scientific research agency, employs more than 2,000 scientists at
approximately 100 research locations throughout the United States. ARS also
conducts research in a number of foreign countries including Mexico, Australia,
Argentina, France and China. Many of the agency's national programs are related
to pest management, food safety and environmental quality. A snapshot of ARS pest management research is provided in the special issue.
One of the topics, areawide management programs, deals with controlling pests
while reducing chemicals. In one paper appearing in the journal, Carrol O. Calkins of ARS'
Yakima Agricultural Research
Laboratory in Wapato, Wash., and Robert J. Faust, ARS national program
leader for field and horticultural crop entomology, discuss the areawide pest
management program to control codling moth (Cydia pomonella), the key
pest of apples and pears in the western United States. The paper illustrates
how moth populations are controlled by using their own hormones to disrupt
mating. Other scientific papers cover important topics such as food quality and
safety; basic biology and genetics of pests; and biocontrol of pest insects,
mites, diseases and weeds. Targeted research for managing termites, invasive
species, veterinary pests and aquatic weeds, along with finding methyl bromide
alternatives, is also examined. Pest Management Science is a peer-reviewed journal that provides an
international forum for papers covering all aspects of research and
development, application, use and environmental impact of products designed for
pest control and crop protection. The journal is available online at: http://www.interscience.wiley.com/jpages/1526-498X/ U.S. Department of Agriculture |