Technology for Detecting Turkey Respiratory Virus Now AvailableBy Sharon
Durham March 21, 2003Agricultural Research Service scientists
have identified an important gene sequence that can help identify and
differentiate avian metapneumovirus. This organism is responsible for turkey
rhinotracheitis, an upper respiratory illness that causes sneezing, swollen
sinuses, nasal discharge and coughing in turkeys. Microbiologists Bruce Seal and Rene Alvarez of the
Southeast Poultry Research Laboratoryin Athens, Ga., deciphered a segment of the virus' genetic sequence. The
sequence, previously unrecorded in the genetic databases, could be used to
develop a diagnostic detection kit. Avian metapneumovirus can be found in turkey and chicken flocks throughout
the world, but is frequently reported in turkeys in Minnesota and Europe. The
virus is also associated with swollen head syndrome and infectious respiratory
disease in chickens outside of the United States. Although not very virulent by itself, avian metapneumovirus--in combination
with other pathogens or Newcastle disease vaccines--can cause severe
respiratory disease and weight loss in poultry. Early detection of the
metapneumovirus may allow better timing of Newcastle disease virus vaccination
to prevent this complication. The metapneumovirus is primarily transmitted by
surface contact, which allows producers to reduce its effects by using
biocontainment methods such as disinfection and controlled access to poultry
houses. Avian metapneumonvirus causes a high rate of illness in turkeys that are
6-12 weeks of age. Early detection would allow producers to take action and
reduce potential losses in this segment of the flock. A patent application was filed in November 2002 for the unique gene
sequence, and the technology is now available for licensing. The sequence may
also be useful for developing methods to detect different avian metapneumovirus
subtypes. ARS is the U.S. Department of
Agriculture's chief scientific research agency. U.S. Department of Agriculture |