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Read the
story to find out more. Yield-Boosting Bacterium for Soybeans Earns KudosBy Jan Suszkiw May 3, 2002A lowly soil bacterium first cultured two
decades ago by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists is now enjoying
"celebrity" status as a yield-boosting, commercial soybean inoculant.
Since licensing rights on the bacterium in 1994 from ARS,
Urbana Laboratories, of St.
Joseph, Mo., has sold enough of the inoculant to treat 14 million acres of
soybeans. Formerly known as Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain TA11Nod+,
and now known commercially as the USDA strain, the bacterium
converts gaseous nitrogen into forms soybeans can use for optimal growth and
higher yield. This process also saves on synthetic fertilizer costs and
nourishes soils at rates less likely to affect groundwater. ARS microbiologists David Kuykendall and Jim Hunter originally developed,
tested, and in 1991 patented the Nod+ strain as an improvement over existing
Bradyrhizobium strains that soybean farmers had been using. Kuykendall, with the then-named Soybean and Alfalfa Research Laboratory in
Beltsville, Md., is now at the
Molecular Plant Pathology
Laboratory there. Hunter, his associate, is with the agency's
Plant, Soil and Nutrient Research Unitin Fort Collins, Colo. In early tests, their Nod+ strain fixed 50 percent more nitrogen when
inoculated onto soybean roots than did B. japonicum 1-110, a
top-performing inoculant. Subsequent field trials conducted by Extension
scientists at 377 sites across 18 states indicated that use of the nod+ strain
boosted soybean yields by 2 to 3 bushels per acre. Since the Nod+ strain's commercial introduction by Urbana, Hunter estimates
the new inoculant has increased soybean yields by nearly 30 million bushels. At
$5 per bushel, this translates to an additional $150 million in gross income
for farmers. A longer story about this work appears in the
Mayissue of Agricultural Research magazine. ARS is the U.S. Department of
Agricultures chief scientific research agency. Story contacts Glen L Hartman Jan R Suszkiw U.S. Department of Agriculture |