New Test May
Help Increase Sheep ProductionBy Amy Spillman March 1, 2002Traditionally, rams in the United
States have been selected for breeding purposes on the basis of how quickly
they grow and the size they ultimately attain. Soon, however, farmers may have
a way to identify another important breeding characteristic before they make
their selection. Agricultural Research
Service scientists with the U.S. Sheep Experiment Station in Dubois, Idaho,
and their collaborators have developed a test to help identify sexually active
male sheep. Between 15 and 25 percent of all male sheep in the United States may ignore
ewes mating overtures, a statistic that has major ramifications for the
U.S. sheep industry. Breeding rams are usually priced between $200 and $400,
and their care and maintenance can run up to $100 per year. Buying just one
sexually inactive breeding ram can therefore cost a farmer up to $500; the
figure goes up even further when considering lost potential. Some livestock industries use artificial insemination as a way of
sidestepping the problem of variable male libidos, but this approach incurs
additional labor costs. Most of those who raise range and farm flocks of sheep
prefer to let their animals breed naturally. The new test--based on research by ARS animal scientist John Stellflug,
colleagues at Dubois and collaborators--is based on the premise that libido is
closely linked to the ability to secrete testosterone. It measures testosterone
response in sires using an injection of naloxone, which blocks certain hormones
to stimulate testosterone release. When a male mammal is given an injection,
his testosterone response predicts whether he is sexually active or inactive. This test could impact the sheep industry by helping identify which male
sheep are sexually active, thus increasing the reproductive potential of entire
flocks. By replacing nonproductive males, the industry could save itself both
time and money. ARS has obtained a patent on this technology and is seeking a company that
may be interested in licensing it and developing a commercial product. Because
some researchers have speculated that the technology may be effective for
testing other species, its potential impact could be high. ARS is the chief scientific research agency of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Story contacts John N Stellflug U.S. Department of Agriculture |