Weather Predictions Could Help FarmersBy Don Comis February 8, 2002Oklahoma has had a wet spell for
about 20 years now, interrupted only by occasional seasonal droughts. For the
area that suffered the brunt of the Dust Bowl of the 1930s, and a subsequent
similar drought in the 1950s, the predominantly above-average precipitation is
great news. A wet cycle is obviously beneficial in dry areas like Oklahoma, but in some
locations it can lead to flooding that destroys crops and farmland. Dry cycles
are never good news for farmers in sub-humid climates. Predicting these spells seems like a good idea, but how much difference
would it really make? Jurgen Garbrecht, a hydrologic engineer at the ARS Great
Plains Agroclimate and Natural Resources Research Unit in El Reno, Okla., and
colleagues are looking at 100-year rainfall records to see if advance knowledge
of wet and dry periods would really help farmers. Garbrecht wants to identify the length of the dry and wet periods and their
significance to agriculture. He wants to learn if it is worth finding ways to
predict a dry or wet cycle ahead of time: Would farmers then be able to take
actions that would improve their bottom lines? In a separate project, Garbrecht and colleagues are looking at the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration extended climate forecast records for similar reasons to see
if they are useful to farmers and, if so, in what regions of the country. It
may be that such forecasts are only accurate enough to be useful to farmers in
areas where climate departures from average conditions are more predictable. In
other parts of the country with more confusing weather patterns, the forecasts
may be so weak that they're of little practical use. ARS is the U.S. Department of
Agricultures chief scientific research agency. Story contacts Jurgen D Garbrecht U.S. Department of Agriculture |