New Nest Egg:
Poultry Litter Ash as a FertilizerBy Lupe Chavez January 4, 2002Medieval alchemists might have failed
at finding a recipe for making gold, but an Agricultural Research Service scientist
changed poultry litter ash into money. The potential profits from this
transformation could bring a change of luck for farmers. Eton Codling, a soil scientist with the Agricultural Research Services
Henry A. Wallace Beltsville (Maryland)
Agricultural Research Center, in cooperation with the
Maryland Department of Natural
Resources, discovered that ash from power plants burning poultry litter for
electricity makes a good fertilizer. This alternative for handling poultry
litter could help the environment, promote better plant growth and reduce costs
for farmers. In experiments at the Animal Manure and By-Products Laboratory, ARS
researchers grew wheat in limed and non-limed soils fertilized with poultry ash
and potassium phosphate. Plants grown in soils treated with ash fertilizer had
higher amounts of phosphorous in plant tissue, meaning the nutrient was readily
available for uptake by roots. This research was stimulated by the Maryland Water Quality Act of 1998,
which limits poultry litter use on farmland. Excess phosphorous in soils can
result in storm water runoff and drainage waters dangerous to the Chesapeake
Bay watershed. The law encourages alternative uses for poultry manure,
including burning it to produce electricity. Codling began his research by
asking a simple question at a power plant burning poultry litter: "What
are you going to do with the ash?" Litter ash has interesting characteristics, beginning with its low
solubility in water. The ash has a higher total concentration of phosphorous
than poultry manure because the burning process removes organic matter and
water. The ash also reduces farmers costs because it is lighter than
chicken litter and easier to transport to areas where such fertilizer is
needed. Further studies are needed to determine the optimal levels of litter ash for
wheat production and to establish the economic value to farmers. If these
studies with wheat are successful, other crops will be considered for similar
research. ARS is the U.S. Department of
Agriculture's chief scientific research agency. Story contacts Animal Manure and by-Products Laboratory U.S. Department of Agriculture |