Southernpea Released by ARSBy Jennifer
Arnold November 30, 2001The
Agricultural Research Service has
released its 15th new southernpea variety, DoubleGreen Delight. It was
developed by ARS geneticist Richard L. Fery of the
Vegetable Laboratory in Charleston, S.C. Industry can sell the new pea
frozen or dried, and home gardeners can harvest it fresh. Southernpeas are also called black-eyed peas, crowders, field peas, cowpeas
or just peas. DoubleGreen Delight evolved over an 11-year period. Scientists used a
pedigree breeding procedure that included a single cross and repeated
single-plant selections. The original cross involved two cream-type peas,
Bettergreen and Freezegreen. Bettergreen requires growers to harvest the crop immediately after pod
drying to ensure a high-color product. But an advantage of DoubleGreen Delight
is that it gives growers a considerably greater harvest window. DoubleGreen
Delight produces dry pods in about 71 days, usually two to three days later
than Bettergreen. Each pod produces about 16 peas. DoubleGreen Delights pod color is light green when immature, green
with a heavy purple shading and purple top vein when ready for mature-green
harvest, and a dark straw color when dry. Breeders seed will be maintained at ARS U.S. Vegetable
Laboratory. Genetic material for developing new cultivars is available through the
National Plant Germplasm Systemmaintained by ARS, the U.S. Department of
Agricultures chief scientific agency. Story contacts Vegetable Laboratory U.S. Department of Agriculture |