Savings Initiated at ARS FacilityBy Marty Clark October 30, 2001Capturing heat from a generating
unit and reusing it to heat buildings is just one benefit from a long-term
energy use reduction program beginning today at the
Agricultural Research Services
National Animal Disease Center in
Ames, Iowa. Developed in response to a presidential energy-reduction directive, the
project is the first for the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. It encompasses all 80 buildings on the NADC site. The goal of
the presidential directive is to limit emissions from federal government-owned
facilities and lessen American dependence on foreign oil. Officials hope to reduce energy costs by 30 percent and save an estimated
$550,000 per year for the projects life. These savings, amounting to
several million dollars, will pay the projects total cost. To bring the effort to this launch point, NADC has been working with several
partners including the U.S. Department of
Energy (DOE) through its Energy Savings Performance Contract (ESPC)
program, Johnson Controls Inc.,
Alliant Energy and other
firms. Johnson Controls Inc., a Milwaukee-based company with facility management
and control expertise, has audited NADCs buildings, developed a
comprehensive plan, coordinated the projects funding and guaranteed the
results. Project administration is provided through DOEs
Federal Energy Management Program.
A combustion turbine, called a cogeneration power unit, is driven by natural
gas and generates 1.5 megawatts of electricity, then uses the heat from the
combustion process to generate steam through a boiler system. NADC is able to
produce electricity for half of the current utility rate, and the steam is
essentially a free byproduct used to run sterilizers and generate hot water for
heat in the winter. The cogeneration system allows NADC to reduce overall
utility costs. A generator, manufactured by Caterpillar Inc., can provide power for the
entire facility. The ESPC has been dovetailed into the overall, multi-year ARS facility
modernization plan for NADC, ARS largest animal disease center. NADC
conducts research to solve animal health and food safety problems faced by
livestock producers and the public. ARS is USDAs chief scientific
research agency. U.S. Department of Agriculture |