Click image for caption and other photo information. Publication Outlines the Best Cotton Ginning Practices WorldwideBy
Jim Core October
23, 2001Cotton ginners around the world can now reach for a new publication designed to give them a comprehensive source of the best ginning practices for their individual needs, thanks in part to an Agricultural Research Service agricultural engineer. The publication of Report of an Expert Panel on Ginning Methods in September by the International Cotton Advisory Committee (ICAC) identifies the current production and ginning practices for the major cotton-producing countries and describes the functions of each type of commercial gin machinery and its impact on fiber quality. Ginning is the separation of cotton fiber from seeds and waste material. A key contributor to the report was W. Stanley Anthony, research leader of ARS Cotton Ginning Research Unit in Stoneville, Miss. He chaired an international panel of cotton experts--including members of industry, research institutes and trade associations--who helped develop the report. ICAC is an association of governments having an interest in the production, export, import and consumption of cotton. The organization is headquartered in Washington, D.C., and is designed to promote cooperation in cotton affairs, particularly those of international scope and significance. It is impossible to establish one set of ginning recommendations for every corner of the world. However, this 27-page publication looks at different practices from an international perspective, giving farmers and textile mills a reference for the proper machinery and techniques, regardless of their production area or cultural practices. Each lot of cotton has different properties and requires different ginning practices. When commercial cotton gins produce a better product, textile mills reduce labor costs and produce a better fabric. Anthony says ginners should be knowledgeable of new technologies that impact fiber quality and value. He says a greater understanding of global ginning practices would enhance the quality of cotton goods for consumers. Anthony was managing editor and a lead author in 1994 of ARS Cotton Ginners Handbook, the most trusted and used information source in the ginning industry. ARS is the U.S. Department of Agricultures chief scientific research agency. U.S. Department of Agriculture |