NAL Database
Reaches 4-Million-Record MilestoneBy Len Carey July 27, 2001The U.S.
Department of Agriculture's National
Agricultural Library has added the 4-millionth record to the AGRICOLA (AGRICultural OnLine Access)
database of citations to the agricultural literature. AGRICOLA is the largest
bibliographic database for agriculture in the world and has been available for
free public use via the World Wide Web since 1998. The 4-millionth AGRICOLA record was the citation for "FEIS final
environmental impact statement: Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness Fuel
Treatment," published by USDA's Forest
Service and the Minnesota Department
of Natural Resources. Technical services librarians at the National
Agricultural Library entered the citation into AGRICOLA on July 9. AGRICOLA contains citations to books, audiovisual materials and serial
publications as well as to journal articles, book chapters, reports, electronic
publications and reprints. Many AGRICOLA citations to electronic publications
are directly linked to full-text articles, databases and image files. Subjects included in AGRICOLA encompass all aspects of agriculture and
allied disciplines, including animal and veterinary sciences, entomology, plant
sciences, forestry, aquaculture and fisheries, farming and farming systems,
agricultural economics, extension and education, food and human nutrition, and
earth and environmental sciences. The National Agricultural Library is the world's largest and most accessible
agricultural research library and is the principal resource in the United
States for information about food, agriculture and natural resources. The
library established AGRICOLA in 1970 as one of the principal means of carrying
out its mission "to ensure and enhance access to agricultural
information." For more information about AGRICOLA or the National Agricultural Library and
its programs and services, contact the library at (301) 504-5755 or
[email protected], or visit the NAL
Web site at: http://www.nal.usda.gov U.S. Department of Agriculture |