Science knows no boundaries
Para la ciencia no hay límites
New "Science Without Boundaries" Web SiteBy Jim De
Quattro May 4, 2001WASHINGTON, May 4--Starting today, children around the country and the world can visit a new web site to see why science knows no boundaries, Secretary of Agriculture Ann M. Veneman said today. The site highlights work by USDA scientists who search overseas for natural controls to weed and insect pests, as alternatives to pesticides. To get their jobs done, some scientists rode elephants, coped with leeches, and watched out for tigers and rhinos, all the while meeting and working closely with people from vastly different cultures. USDA's Agricultural Research Service developed the web site in recognition of "Global Science and Technology Week" (GSTW), May 6-12. The "Science Knows No Boundaries" web site is designed for children about 8 to 13 years old, but has links to more advanced material. Links to Spanish and English versions of the site can be found at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is "Global Science and Technology Week highlights the importance of science education for our children," Veneman said. "Providing young people with access to high quality math and science education is an excellent way to prepare America's workforce for the future." That's why USDA and many other public and private groups around the country have joined to celebrate Global Science and Technology Week. GSTW is being coordinated through the Office of Science and Technology Policy of the Executive Office of the President, and the Office of the Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State. GSTW will also highlight the importance of science education in preparing today's students for tomorrow's discoveries for helping resolve global issues such as poverty, disease, food supplies, environmental degradation and sustainable use of natural resources. The official home page for all GSTW outreach activities is: http://www.ostp.gov/html/gstw.html The new ARS web offerings are parts of the agency's extensive, award-winning "Science for Kids" and "Ciencia Para Niños" web sites. The sites present dozens of stories and features showing kids how the agricultural sciences connect to everyday life. Included are sections on science careers and science fair projects. Contact: Jim De Quattro, ARS Information Staff, Beltsville, Md., phone (301) 504-1626, fax (301) 504-1641, [email protected]. U.S. Department of Agriculture |