to the TimelineARS
Research Timeline Updated
By Kathryn Barry
January 26, 2001More than 600 new items fill out the
Agricultural Research Services
"Research Timeline"--a World Wide Web compendium of U.S. Department
of Agriculture scientific and other achievements since 1862. Separate pages
pull together legislation important to agricultural research and list sources
of the timeline information. View this chronological history at:
Initially, the web timeline duplicated the printed version published in the
December 1999 issue of Agricultural
Research, ARSs monthly magazine. This update provides a more
comprehensive view of significant scientific accomplishments by USDA and ARS
researchers. The timeline will be updated with new items annually.
The next expansion, due out in a few months, will provide in-depth stories
on nearly two dozen milestones in USDA research history, ranging from the
eradication of hog cholera to discovery of the viroid.
ARS is the USDAs chief scientific
research agency.
Contact: Kathryn Barry Stelljes, ARS Information Staff, Albany,
Calif., phone (510) 559-6069, fax (510) 559-5882,
[email protected].
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