ARS Posts Latest Edition of Quarterly Report of Research ProgressBy
Hank Becker December 1, 2000The Agricultural Research Service has posted a new issue of the Quarterly Report of Research Progress for July 1 to September 30, 2000, on its web site at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/qtr/index.html The Quarterly contains the latest ARS research findings on subjects such as soil and water, plants, human nutrition, animal and crop research. The report also includes technology transfer-related information such as patents, licenses and cooperative research agreements with private companies. In this issue: - An on-farm detection kit for Salmonella enteritidishas been developed by ARS scientists through a cooperative research and
development agreement with Neogen, Inc.,
of Lansing, MI. The kit allows the egg producer to test birds on the premises
without costly procedures that are now necessary.
- ARS researchers have now released a new lilac
(Syringa) cultivar called Betsy Ross. This is the first release from
ARS lilac genetic improvement program.
- ARS has filed a patent application on active substances in
cinnamon that wake up body cells to the hormone insulin--in test tube studies.
- Adding a smidgen of oat oil to bread dough could be the
secret to making heart-healthy bread thats soft and has an increased loaf
size and longer shelf life.
- A new method for mass-producing white blood cells called
macrophages has been developed by ARS animal scientists.
- A study has shown that elderly Hispanics with diabetes are
more likely to lose muscle and the ability to move around with ease or take
care of basic needs than are non-Hispanic whites with diabetes.
- Designing rock chutes has been made easier--with fewer
design errors--thanks to a new computer program.
ARS is the chief scientific research agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Scientific contact: Hank Becker, ARS Information Staff, Beltsville, Md.; phone (301) 504-1624, fax (301) 504-1641, [email protected]. U.S. Department of Agriculture | |