USDA Agencies Unite to Protect
Natural ResourcesBy Don Comis October 4, 2000BELTSVILLE, Md., Oct. 4--Three
Agriculture Department agencies are broadening their partnership to better
protect the environment. The three agencies--the Natural
Resources Conservation Service, the Agricultural Research Service, and the
Cooperative State Research, Education, and
Extension Service--on Monday signed a Memorandum of Agreement to intensify
their efforts to conserve natural resources and identify solutions to the
environmental problems facing agricultural land managers. "We want to ensure that we develop research and technology
responsive to present and emerging customer needs and national
priorities," ARS Administrator Floyd Horn said. "The agreement signed
by the leaders of these three agencies formalizes the roles of each in
contributing to the common goal of protecting the American landscape." The Natural Resources Conservation Service works closely with farmers,
ranchers and other private landowners to conserve the nation's soil and water
resources. The Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service
funds university research and conducts outreach work with farmers and the
general public. The Agricultural Research Service is
USDA's chief scientific research agency. "The increased cooperation will allow us to speed the transfer of
necessary research knowledge and technology tools to our field offices and
customers. This includes automated tools that help managers keep soil and
excess nutrients out of our Nation's waters," NRCS Chief Pearlie Reed
said. The Memorandum of Understanding can be viewed on the World Wide Web at: http://www.nps.ars.usda.gov/pmt/nrtpmou.html Contact:Dr. Allen Dedrick, ARS National Program Staff, Beltsville,
Md., telephone (301) 504-7987; fax (301) 504-4624;
[email protected]. Story contacts Allen R Dedrick U.S. Department of Agriculture |