A Holistic Approach to Crop Rotations for
the Central PlainsBy Hank Becker November 8, 1999The 20 million acres of the Central
Great Plains' amber waves of grain are changing dramatically. Some farmers are
growing more--and different--crops because those crops make more efficient use
of the limited water. Growers are finding that alternative rotations--based on findings of
Agricultural Research Servicescientists--can be 20 to 40 percent more profitable than the traditional
wheat-fallow system. In that system, growers plant one crop every other year
and leave the soil bare for a year to store water. Wheat-fallow systems use only 40 percent of the average 14 to 18 inches of
annual rainfall, but continuous cropping soaks up nearly 80 percent, according
to Randy L. Anderson at ARS' Central Great Plains Research Station in Akron,
Colo. For nine years, he and colleagues have tested 20 dryland crop rotation
and tillage systems in seeking the best alternatives to wheat-fallow. The researchers have found that growers could successfully crop continuously
in years with normal or more precipitation by using a cycle of four crops and
alternating high- and low-water use crops. For example, continuous cropping
with wheat-corn-proso millet and either field peas, another wheat crop, or
fallow doubles the land's productivity compared to wheat-fallow. This systems approach, based on ecological trends in and on the soil, still
provides for crops' water needs. And the crop diversity encourages soil
microbes that make the ecosystem more sustainable over the long haul. The researchers have improved water use so well, they're nearing their
goal--a crop every year. They're still working on rotations that succeed in dry
years. One option they're exploring is a forage crop or green fallow. Both use
less water than the current crops--wheat, corn, millet and sunflowers. For more details, see the story in the November issue of Agricultural
Research magazine and on the web at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/nov99/falls1199.htm ARS is the major research arm of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture. Scientific contact: Randy L. Anderson, ARS Central Great Plains
Research Station, Akron, Colo., phone (970) 345-2259, fax (970) 345-2088,
[email protected].
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