Villain Fungus Transformed Into HeroBy Ben Hardin August 3, 1999A fungus thats notorious for producing toxins in stored grains may
someday be transformed to do good works such as making vitamins, rubber and
drugs, Agricultural Research Servicescientists reported at a meeting today. ARS scientists at the National Center
for Agricultural Utilization Research, Peoria, Ill., have applied for a
patent on a method to insert multiple genes into microorganisms to produce a
variety of products. For example, the researchers modified the stored grain-
infesting Fusariumsporotrichioides to produce beta-carotene.
Until now, genetic engineering of organisms has usually involved introducing
one or two highly expressed genes. The scientists presented their findings on the genetic transformation system
today at the annual meeting of the Society for Industrial Microbiologyin Arlington, Virginia. In the case of F.sporotrichioides, ARS scientist James D.
Jones and colleagues systematically synthesized and inserted multi-gene arrays,
or cassettes, of genetic material called DNA into the fungus. The NCAUR
scientists first genetically engineered versions of F.sporotrichioides produced a carotenoid called lycopene, the substance
that gives red tomatoes their color. Carotenoids, used as food colorants, food
supplements and livestock and fish feed additives, also include zeaxanthin and
astaxanthin. The scientists envision additional products that someday may be produced by
the microbe. These include vitamin E, industrial chemicals called terpenes,
biosynthetic rubber and taxol, a drug used in treatment of some malignancies. By using the invention to introduce different gene arrays into F.sporotrichioides, several strains, each capable of producing a specific
compound, could be created, according to Timothy D. Leathers, ARS project
leader on new uses for ethanol coproducts. Working with just one microbial
species would streamline development of technology for making a number of
products. ARS is the U.S. Department of
Agriculture's chief scientific research agency. Scientific contact: Timothy D. Leathers and James D. Jones, ARS
National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research, Peoria, Ill.; phone
(309) 681-6377 (Leathers) and (309) 681-6376 (Jones); fax number (309)
681-6689; [email protected] and
[email protected]. U.S. Department of Agriculture | |