Labs Play Key Role in Developing
Tomorrows WheatsBy
Linda McGraw May 11, 1999When sixth-graders tour the
Soft Wheat Quality
Laboratory of the Agricultural Research
Service in Wooster, Ohio, food technologist Charles S. Gaines tells them
hes working on wheat flour that may be used in their wedding cakes.
Thats because it takes 8 to 14 years to breed a new commercial wheat
variety. ARS is the USDAs chief
scientific agency. Before growers receive a new wheat variety, ARS researchers at
four wheat quality laboratories have thoroughly analyzed thousands of
experimental breeding lines from federal, state, and private sources. Out of
2,000 samples, only one or two may eventually become commercial varieties. The scientists at all four ARS quality labs evaluate how each
wheat line or variety performs in milling and baking trials so breeders can
make the best choices. When breeders are really serious about a wheat variety
and are close to releasing it, the ARS quality laboratory personnel perform the
final test: they bake bread and cookies and make noodles and spaghetti. Sometimes breeders cant supply enough flour samples from
their experimental lines to perform adequate baking tests. So ARS baker
Margo S. Caleyat the Hard Winter
Wheat Quality Laboratory in Manhattan, Kan., devised thimble-sized baking
pans that hold tiny bread loaves. The small loaves require only two tablespoons
of flour. ARS Western Wheat
Quality Laboratory researchers in Pullman, Wash., are conducting the
biggest research effort on waxy wheat in North America through a cooperative
research and development agreement with a major food company. Starch from waxy
wheat absorbs and retains more water than does normal starch. ARS researchers at the
Hard Red
Spring and Durum Wheat Quality Laboratory in Fargo, N.D., are transferring
glutenin protein genes from bread wheat to durum to develop dual-purpose bread
and pasta varieties that may sell at more stable prices. The May issue of Agricultural Research magazine
contains an overview of research at the ARS quality laboratories. The article
can also be found on the world wide web at http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/may99/baking0599.htm Scientific contact: Okkyung Kim Chung,
ARS Grain Marketing Research and
Production Center, Manhattan, Kan., phone (785) 776-2703, fax (785)
776-2792, [email protected];
Patrick L. Finney, ARS Soft Wheat Quality Research Laboratory, Wooster, Ohio,
phone (330) 263-3890, fax (330) 263-3658,
[email protected];
Craig F. Morris, ARS Western Wheat Quality Laboratory, Pullman, Wash., phone
(509) 335-8573, fax (509) 335-8573, [email protected]; Gary A. Hareland, ARS Hard Red
Spring and Durum Wheat Quality Lab, Fargo, N.D., phone (701) 239-1340, fax
(701) 239-1369, [email protected]. U.S. Department of Agriculture | |