"Restrained Eating" May Put Bones
at RiskBy Marcia
Wood April 6, 1999WASHINGTON, April 6--Women who consistently limit what they eat to
avoid gaining weight may undermine the health of their bones,
Agricultural Research Service
Administrator Floyd P. Horn said. "Investigations into the role of nutrition in bone growth and
maintenance are a priority of ARS' human nutrition research program," he
said. "Now, a study by ARS researchers indicates that women may increase
their risk of osteoporosis if they overemphasize being slim at the expense of
good nutrition." ARS is the chief scientific agency of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Osteoporosis, a thinning and weakening of bone, increases the risk of
fractures, particularly of the hip and spine. "The estimated annual costs
of osteoporosis are more than $10 billion for care alone," said Horn.
"But exercising and eating a well-balanced diet with adequate calcium are
two of the best ways to keep bones strong and healthy." Scientists with USDA's Agricultural Research Service in California looked at
the eating behavior of 192 women volunteers between the ages of 18 and 50.
Those classified as "restrained eaters" had significantly lower bone
mineral content and bone mineral density than those who were classified as
"normal eaters," said Horn. "Data from the study show that women who are concerned about their
weight, and thus restrain their eating, may increase their chances of
developing osteoporosis," said physiologist Marta D. Van Loan with the ARS
Western Human Nutrition
Research Center at Davis. "These restrained eaters," said Van Loan, "may be trying to
meet a target weight that they've imposed upon themselves or that they think
our image-conscious society demands." Van Loan and ARS chemist Nancy L.
Keim conducted the study. Scientists already know that not getting enough foods with calcium or other
bone enhancing nutrients can lead to a low bone-mineral-density. But the
California study, according to Van Loan, is apparently the largest of its kind
to demonstrate a significant association between restricted eating and either
bone mineral content or bone mineral density. "Our volunteers were healthy individuals who did not have eating disorders
such as bulimia or anorexia," Van Loan pointed out. "The majority of
the volunteers, that is, 51 percent," said Van Loan, "can be
classified as 'restrained eaters.' If this sample is representative of the U.S.
female population as a whole, it means that one woman out of every two could
potentially have this eating behavior, and may be increasing her risk of
developing osteoporosis. It also means the number of women at risk of
developing osteoporosis in the next 10 to 20 years could be greater than
previous estimates." Van Loan and Keim used a device called a DEXA, or
dual energy x-ray absorptiometer, to measure bone mineral content and density.
Those two factors are key indicators of overall bone strength and health,
according to the scientists. The researchers administered a standard test known as a Three-Factor Eating
Inventory to determine if volunteers were always overly concerned about their
weight, as is typical of restrained eaters. Based on scores from the Three-Factor Inventory, Van Loan and Keim
classified the women as "restrained eaters" or "normal
eaters." The restrained eaters had about 12 percent less mineral content
in their bones and about 6 percent lower bone mineral density than women with
normal eating behavior, the researchers reported. Foods that are a good source of calcium include cheese, milk, ice cream,
most dark- green leafy vegetables, broccoli, baked beans and other dried
legumes, dried figs and soft fish bones like those in canned salmon. In addition to a diet rich in calcium, Keim said, proper exercise can help
keep bones from becoming brittle and porous, especially exercise that
"increases the force or load on your skeleton, such as jogging, lifting
weights or working out with resistance-type gym equipment." An article about the research appears in the April 1999 issue of the
agency's monthly journal, Agricultural Research, and on the
World Wide Web at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/apr99/bone0499.htm Scientific contact: Marta D. Van Loan and Nancy L. Keim, ARS Western
Human Nutrition Research Center, c/o University of California at Davis, Davis,
CA; phone (530) 752-4160 (Van Loan), (530) 752-4163 (Keim),
[email protected] or
[email protected]. Story contacts Marcia A Wood U.S. Department of Agriculture | |