Kids Get Science Project Ideas from NALBy Brian Norris February 12, 1999Elementary to high school students who need science project ideas in a hurry
now have on-line access to a list of 140 publications chock full of project
ideas, most related to the agricultural sciences. The bibliography Projects and Experiments for Young Scientists was
created by the National Agricultural
Librarys (NAL) Technology
Transfer Information Center (TTIC). The project is part of an effort by the
Agricultural Research Service (ARS),
NALs parent agency within the U.S.
Department of Agriculture, to interest young people in science and
scientific research. NAL staff will use the bibliography to respond to students
who contact the library for ideas on science projects and research. Literally hundreds of science project ideas are listed in the publications,
on subjects ranging from Christmas tree farming to Samoan fruits and
vegetables, according to TTIC Coordinator Kate Hayes. Every child should be
able to find at least one experiment or project that catches the imagination.
Many of the titles listed should be available at local public libraries and
school libraries. The bibliography is available on the NAL home page at: http://www.nal.usda.gov/ttic/misc/juvag.htm
Copies are also available by contacting the Technology Transfer Information
Center, National Agricultural Library, 10301 Baltimore Avenue, 4th floor,
Beltsville, MD 20705-235, telephone (301) 504-5372,
[email protected]. TTIC compiled the bibliography from a search of the NAL bibliographic
database AGRICOLA (AGRICultural
OnLine Access), which contains over 3.5 million citations to the literature of
agriculture. TTIC staffer Mary Stevanus produced the bibliography. ARS has also created a Web site, called Science for Kids, that highlights
the agencys research in simple language geared for students ages 8 to 13.
Science for Kids can be found at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/kidsNAL is the largest agricultural library in the world and has been serving
the agricultural community since 1862. It is one of four national libraries of
the United States. Contact: Kate Hayes, Technology Transfer Information Center, ARS
National Agricultural Library, Beltsville, Md., phone (301) 504-6875, fax (301)
504-7098, [email protected]. U.S. Department of Agriculture | |