Hidden Bacterium Plays Key Role in
Poinsettia Height, BranchingBy Jan Suszkiw December 9, 1998Eight-foot-tall poinsettia plants might be the norm for Christmas decorating
were it not for a microscopic tenant called a phytoplasma. The bacteria-like organism serves as an important dwarfing agent that keeps
the tropical plant roughly 18 inches tall instead of 8 feet--the norm in its
native Mexico. Agricultural Research
Service plant pathologist Ing-Ming Lee and former Ball FloraPlant
colleagues in Chicago came to this conclusion through a series of
plant-grafting experiments and genetic fingerprinting of the phytoplasmas
DNA signature. The finding gives commercial poinsettia growers a first-time opportunity to
breed wholesale stock plants without another microtenant: the poinsettia mosaic
virus. Lee has identified 20 commercial cultivars that harbor it. Under certain
conditions, this normally benign virus causes an unsightly leaf disease. The
disease is more common in Europe than America, where wholesale poinsettia value
is over $200 million annually. The phytoplasma triggers a hormonal imbalance that instructs the plant to
grow outward, rather than up like a tree. This free-branching
phenomenon also produces more of the brilliant red, leaf-like bracts that
American consumers find so appealing. For decades, credit for free-branching
went to the virus, because heat treatments to kill it also stopped the
poinsettias free-branching growth. But Lee and his Chicago colleagues
exposed the virus for what it truly is: a nuisance with no role in
free-branching. Lee is now trying to determine how the phytoplasma affects cytokinin
hormones that stimulate cell division in poinsettia plants. He's based at
ARS Molecular Plant
Pathology Laboratory, in Beltsville, Md. A story about the research appears
in December's Agricultural
Research magazine and on the web at:
http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/dec98/poin1298.htm ARS is the U.S. Department of
Agricultures principal research arm. Scientific contact: Ing-Ming Lee, ARS
Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, Beltsville, Md., phone (301) 504-6024,
fax (301) 504-5449, [email protected] Story contacts Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory L Frank Flora Jan R Suszkiw U.S. Department of Agriculture | |