Scientists Help Plants Protect ThemselvesBy Doris Stanley September
3, 1998Like the human body's immune system, plants also have built-in protective
mechanisms. Agricultural Research Servicescientists are working to manipulate that internal system in plants--triggered
by pathogenesis-related (PR) proteins--to increase protection. Plants that are
better able to defend themselves require less fungicides and insecticides--a
boon to growers as well as the environment. As insects feed on plants, substances in their saliva can trigger plants to
release these defensive proteins. But too much damage from invaders may
overwhelm a plant before the defensive proteins reach effective levels. At the
Horticultural Research Laboratory in Orlando, Fla., ARS scientists have
found PR proteins in citrus. The proteins are two classes of
enzymes--chitinases and glucanases--in citrus roots, leaves, blossoms and fruit.
Chitinase breaks down chitin, even though the substance does not occur in
citrus. However, insect exoskeletons and the cell walls of microbial pathogens
are made of chitin, so scientists assume chitinase in citrus acts as a defensive
mechanism. Glucanases break down glucans, antifungal compounds found in citrus. The enzyme may help the plant regulate levels of defensive glucan proteins. The next step is to find ways to make the PR proteins more active in citrus. ARS scientists have isolated citrus genes that produce these protective
proteins. They're also experimenting with chemicals that trigger the protective
mechanism without the plant actually being attacked by a pest. In tests, leaf
miner larvae declined to feed on tomato plants sprayed with BTH
(benzothiadiazole). BTH, a nontoxic chemical that doesn't harm humans, plants,
or animals, starts an internal chemical reaction in tomato plants that repels
the pesky insect. This research is partially funded by the Florida Citrus Production Research
Advisory Council with funds from a self-imposed grower tax. ARS is the
principal research arm of the U.S. Department of
Agriculture. Scientific contact: Richard T. Mayer, U.S. Horticultural Research
Laboratory, Orlando, Fla., phone (407) 897-7300, fax (407) 897-7309, e-mail
[email protected]. U.S. Department of Agriculture | |