ARS Employees Honored by USDABy Jan Suszkiw June
10, 1998Thirty-eight Agricultural Research
Service employees will receive individual or team awards today for
excellence from U.S. Department of AgricultureSecretary Dan
Glickman in Washington at USDA's 52nd annual Honor Awards ceremony. Glickman
is scheduled to present plaques to the awardees at a 1 p.m. ceremony on the West
Lawn of the Jamie L. Whitten Federal Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Contact ARS News Service (phone 301 344-2173,
[email protected]) for
fax or electronic mail copies of news releases about any of the ARS awardees,
who are named under the award categories below. EMERGENCY RESPONSE * For extraordinary effort to preserve human and animal life, minimize
structural damage, salvage experimental materials and ensure safety and security
during the flood of 1997, to the Red River Valley Flood Response Group, Grand
Forks, North Dakota. The ARS members are group leader James G. Penland, David
P. Allard, Orris R. Johnson, Patricia F. Geary, David B. Milne, James H. Botnen,
Curtiss Hunt, Gwen M. Dahlen, Deborah S. Meyer, Sharon Y. Peterson, Mark R.
Muth, Gregory M. Graham, Bonnie M. King, and Terry R. Standridge. The group's
North Dakota state members are Denice Schafer, Rodney Bubach, Gary Adams,
Barbara Kueber, Sandra Gallagher, Judy Schumacher, Virginia Ballintine, Karin
Tweton, and Martin Glynn. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION * For research leadership and creativity in addressing challenges to manage
and control the agricultural nutrients phosphorous and nitrogen, to Harry B.
Pionke, soil scientist and research leader, Pasture Systems and Watershed
Management Research Laboratory, University Park, Pennsylvania. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY * For developing an outstanding partnership between ARS and Delaware State
University (DSU) to expand educational opportunities and research capacities--to
the Grape Germplasm Group, which includes leader Donna M. Gibson, of ARS' Plant
Protection Research, Ithaca, New York; James R. McFerson, ARS Plant Genetic
Resources, Geneva, New York; and Cyril Broderick, of DSU in Dover. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE - For superior achievement in developing and transferring ginning
technology to increase the quality and profitability of cotton, to W. Stanley
Anthony, supervisory agricultural engineer and research leader of Cotton Ginning
Research, Stoneville, Mississippi. Stanley also is a recipient of the USDA "Silver"
Plow Award.
- For pioneering research contributions to the discovery and
characterization of novel pathogens that cause plant diseases which impact U.S.
and world agriculture, to Robert E. Davis, plant pathologist and research leader
of the Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory, Beltsville, Md.
- For outstanding scientific achievement, invention and technology transfer
achievements in creating FanteskTM, a new food additive, to Kenneth Eskins and
George F. Fanta, both at the National Center for Agricultural and Utilization
Research, Peoria, Illinois.
- For basic research on new methods of preempting economic losses from
aflatoxin contamination of food and feed supplies, to the Food and Feed Safety
Group. The team includes leader Thomas E. Cleveland, Deepak Bhatnagar, and
Peter Cotty, all of the Southern Regional Research Center, New Orleans,
The following ARS employees will receive Secretary's Awards as members on
groups nominated by other USDA agencies. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION * The Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and ARS Medfly
group. The ARS members are Nicanor J. Liquido (formerly ARS), Hilo, Hawaii;
Donald O. McInnis, Tropical Fruit, Vegetable and Ornamental Crop Research
Laboratory, Honolulu, Hawaii; and John M. Sivinski, Center for Medical,
Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology, Gainesville, Florida. Also being
recognized are ARS employees James R. Baxter, Raul Rivera, William T. Wilson at
the Beneficial Insects Research Unit in Weslaco, Texas. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY * The Nutrition Education for Diverse Audiences Conference Planning
Committee, nominated by Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension
Service (CSREES). ARS members are Jimmy D. Goodman and Corinne Montandon
(posthumously), Children's Nutrition Research Center, Baylor College of
Medicine, Houston, Texas, and Frankie Schwenk, formerly with the Beltsville
(Md.) Human Nutrition Research Center. PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL EXCELLENCE - The Current Research Information System Enhancement Group, nominated by
CSREES. The group's ARS members are Darrell F. Cole, Office of Technology
Transfer; Deana L. Parks, National Agricultural Library; and Charles F. Murphy
and Frank Flora, National Program Staff, all at Beltsville, Md.
- The Scrapie Research Group, nominated by CSREES, with leader Katherine I.
O'Rourke and Donald P. Knowles, as the ARS members. They are both at Animal
Disease Research, Pullman, Washington.
- The National Food Safety Education Conference Planning Group, nominated by
the Food Safety Inspection Service. The group's ARS member is Cynthia A.
Roberts, a University of Maryland contract employee at the National Agricultural
Library in Beltsville, Md.
Story contacts Molecular Plant Pathology Laboratory Plant Protection Research Plant Genetic Resources Peter J Cotty Martin T Glynn Curtiss D Hunt Sean T Adams U.S. Department of Agriculture | |