E-Mail Options for ARS NewsBy
Jim De Quattro July 6, 2000News media and others now have two e-mail options for
learning about new research findings and activities at the
Agricultural Research Service, USDA's
chief scientific arm. Option 1 is to subscribe to receive stories each workday from the
ARS News Service, which began operating in 1996. Now available is option 2, the weekly "ARS Newslink." On the last
workday of each week, Newslink subscribers receive an e-mail containing
one-sentence "snapshots" of all of the week's stories. Accompanying web links
let subscribers view the complete stories of their choosing. The Information Staff has been pilot-testing Newslink with a
select group. Newslink may have special appeal for news media and others who are
interested mainly in specific kinds of stories, don't have daily story
deadlines, or want to cut down "inbox overload." Newslink can also serve as a
handy Internet bookmark for stories archived at the Information Staff's web
site. To subscribe to the daily or weekly service, visit the sign-up page on the ARS web site. Anyone may subscribe to either or both reports. Contact the
The service has more than 2,000 news media and other
subscribers in the United States and more than two dozen other countries. The
1996-2000 news archives can be found at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/pr ARS News Service contacts: Jim De Quattro and
Nancy Vanatta,
ARS Information Staff, Beltsville,
Md., phone (301) 504-1626 [De Quattro], (301) 504-1610 [Vanatta]; fax (301)
504-1641. U.S. Department of Agriculture |