Products Control Mexican Corn
Rootworms in TexasBy Linda McGraw June 15, 2000Some Texas farmers can say
adios to Mexican corn rootworms damaging field corn,
provided they use a commercial product named Slam, which succeeded in
field tests conducted by Agricultural
Research Service scientists. Almost every acre of Texas-grown corn is treated with soil insecticides at
planting to control rootworm larvae. But these soil treatments are costly,
environmentally risky, and ineffective for breaking the Mexican corn rootworm
cycle, according to ARS agricultural engineer Clint Hoffmann in College
Station, Texas. Working closely with farmers, extension personnel, and industry, ARS
scientists developed an adult rootworm control program using aerial
applications of Slam, made by MicroFlo, Inc., in Lakeland, Fla. The
payoff: the number of acres infested with economically damaging populations of
rootworms in the test area was cut from 2,000 acres to only 80 acres in just 2
years. By targeting the adults, the researchers reduced total use of soil
insecticides from 6 to 3 pounds per acre in the test area. This savings
represents a win-win situation for the economy and the environment. Slamuses only 1 ounce of toxicant per acre versus 3 pounds per acre for
conventional insecticides used for adult control. Once the beetles were reduced
below economic threshold levels, the use of soil insecticides was cut in half. While Slam was used in this field test, two more products are nearing
the market. One is CideTrak, made by Trécé Inc. in Salinas,
California, which is used along with a monitoring trap also made by
Trécé. The third product is named Invite, made by FFP
Agriscience, Inc., in Eustis, Fla. All three products combine a feeding
stimulant with a low dose of insecticide. ARS is the chief scientific research agency for the
USDA. Scientific contact: Clint Hoffmann, ARS Areawide Pest Management Research, Southern Plains Agricultural Research Center, College Station, Texas; phone (409) 260-9521, fax (409) 260-9386, [email protected]. U.S. Department of Agriculture | |