Eastern Gamagrass Surviving DroughtBy Sean Adams August 26, 1997Patches of green in a brown field have put smiles on the faces of Charles
Foy and Donald Krizek. The two Agricultural
Research Service scientists are excited about eastern gamagrass. This
native species was overgrazed into oblivion decades ago--but rediscovered by a
Missouri farmer in 1980 during a severe drought. This new old grass, a perennial that grows as high as its
relative corn, is again surviving a severe drought this summer in parched
fields at ARS Beltsville (Md.) Agricultural Research Center. Only about
an inch of rain fell from the first of July to mid-August, but the gamagrass
has been cut twice. It yielded 6,600 pounds of 14- percent-protein hay per
acre, on par with alfalfa. Surrounding corn and soybean plants dried up. But
even after two cuttings, some gamagrass is still more than a foot high and
shows no drought symptoms. What gives eastern gamagrass an edge when water is scarce? The scientists
say the keys are air-filled root passages called aerenchyma [pronounced
air-ENK-a-ma]. With aerenchyma, roots can penetrate so deep they draw water
that shallow-rooted plants cant reach. Eastern gamagrass roots extend
down as far as 7 feet, despite a compacted claypan, acid soil, and low-lying
areas prone to flooding that would kill many crops. Foy and Krizek, with colleagues Jerry Ritchie and Ali Sadeghi, plan further
studies to see if eastern gamagrass deep roots can loosen compacted soils
and provide channels for roots of other crops. They also want to test the grass
in buffer strips to reduce soil erosion. To see a photo of Beltsvilles eastern gamagrass on the World Wide Web,
point your browser to: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/graphics/photos/k7820-6.htm A feature story on aerenchyma appears in the August Agricultural
Research magazine. Its on the web at: http://www.ars.usda.gov/is/AR/archive/aug97/aerenchyma0897.htm Scientific contact: Scientific contact: ARS
Climate Stress Laboratory,
Beltsville, Md.--Donald Krizek, phone (301) 504- 5324, fax 504-6626,
[email protected]; and
Charles Foy, phone (301) 504-5522, fax 504- 7521. Story contacts Donald T Krizek Sean T Adams Jerry C Ritchie Ali M Sadeghi U.S. Department of Agriculture | |