New Test May Finger Disease-Carrying Insect
By Jan Suszkiw June 5, 1997 A new diagnostic test is now on tap to
identify the mystery insect that spreads yellow vine. Since 1988,
sporadic but devastating outbreaks of this new disease have caused losses of up
to 75 percent in watermelons, cantaloupe and other cucurbit crops grown in
Oklahoma and central Texas Cross Timbers area. Without knowing the insects identity, migration or feeding patterns,
cucurbit growers there can do little to effectively protect their crops using
insecticides or techniques such as staggered planting dates or repellent
mulches. In early work, Agricultural Research
Service scientists and collaborators conducted lengthy greenhouse
experiments to determine which cucurbit-loving insects could infect the plants
through feeding. Some of these included squash bugs, leaf hoppers and aphids.
But few conclusive leads surfaced. This spring, the ARS scientists will team with colleagues at
Oklahoma State and
Texas A&M universities to try a
different approach. Theyve devised a new molecular test for rapidly
screening the insects tissues for the unique, genetic calling
card of the culprit behind the disease: a bacterium-like organism, or
BLO. Under a microscope, its little more than a rod-shaped cell, but it
can seriously damage the plants nutrient-carrying tubes called phloem.
Yellow vine can be especially costly when it strikes melon crops that have
been planted in the early spring so that their fruit can be harvested for the
July 4th marketing window. Thats when melons go for a premium price of 10
cents per pound. A bumper crop yields about 40,000 pounds per acre, worth
$4,000. But an outbreak can wipe out a growers profits in just
days--wasting money spent on seed, fertilizer, and water. Key to the researchers new test is a sensitive technique called
polymerase chain reaction. It copies the BLOs genetic material millions
of times over so it can be detected. PCR also can determine in one or two days
whether an insect--or weed--harbors the organism. If so, separate greenhouse
tests would then follow to see if the insect can actually transmit it to
plants. Scientific contact: Benny D. Bruton, USDA-ARS South Central Research Laboratory, Lane, OK,
(405) 889-7395; [email protected]. Story contacts Jan R Suszkiw U.S. Department of Agriculture | |