Corn Wax Makes Toxin WaneBy Jill Lee February 24, 1997Waxy build-up may be bad on floors, but it could be good news if youre
growing corn, scientists with USDAs
Agricultural Research Service say. They report that kernels of a corn line called GT:MAS:gk seem to have
unusually thick waxy outer layers. This waxy coating helps protect the corn
against attacks by Aspergillus flavus, a fungus that produces a
dangerous contaminant on corn kernels called aflatoxin. Federal law prohibits use of any crop as a food source or as dairy feed if
it contains more than 20 parts per billion of aflatoxin. One part per billion
is equal to an inch in 16,000 miles. Farmers sometimes have to destroy crops if
aflatoxin levels are too high. Years ago, an ARS scientist reported GT:MAS:gk corn had resistance to
aflatoxin. This thick waxy coating on its kernels could explain, at least in
part, the higher resistance. Scientists say one important factor is the sheer bulk of the GT:MAS:gk wax.
It averages 25 percent more than in corn lines vulnerable to A. flavus,
but can climb to 60 percent more. But the aflatoxin barrier may be more than just physical. Research done in
collaboration with Louisiana State Universityscientists suggests the waxy outer layer may chemically fend off the fungus as
well. In studies, GT:MAS:gk wax inhibited growth of A. flavus colonies
by 35 percent. Wax from susceptible corn did nothing to stem fungal growth. Scientists say the wax formula might be duplicated in the lab. Theyre
studying the wax structure and looking for ways to breed or genetically
engineer commercial corn lines to express this waxy trait. Scientific contact: Robert Brown, USDA-ARS
Southern Regional Research Center, New
Orleans, La., phone (504) 286-4531, e-mail
[email protected];
Neil Widstrom,
USDA-ARS Insect Biology and
Population Management Research Laboratory, Tifton, Ga., phone (912)
387-2320, e-mail [email protected] Story contacts Robert L Brown U.S. Department of Agriculture | |