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MEDIA ADVISORY:Huxsoll to Head Plum Island Animal Disease Center as Interim
DirectorBy Jan
Suszkiw June 2, 2000 WASHINGTON, DC, June 2, 2000--The U.S. Department of Agriculture has appointed
microbiologist David L. Huxsoll as interim director of the
Plum Island Animal Disease Center(PIADC) in Greenport, N.Y. Huxsoll will begin serving as director on June 6, when he
transfers to Plum Island from Louisiana State
University at Baton Rouge, where he heads the Pathobiology Department.
LeeAnn Thomas, who has served as acting director of PIADC since January 1999,
will return to her duties as assistant center director and chief of
PIADCs Foreign Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory. Dr. Huxsoll's experience and expertise will be valuable
assets in achieving Plum Island's overall mission of protecting domestic
livestock from foreign animal diseases," said Floyd P. Horn, administrator for
the Agricultural Research Service (ARS),
the chief research agency of USDA. Scientists at Plum Island conduct research and diagnostics on
animal diseases that are not present in the U.S., but could pose a major
economic threat to agriculture here. The PIADC is home to two USDA
agencies--ARS and the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS). ARS
owns and operates the island, and conducts research on foot-and-mouth disease,
African swine fever, hog cholera, and vesicular somatitis. The APHIS Foreign
Animal Disease Diagnostic Laboratory has diagnostic and training
responsibilities for these and other foreign diseases. As PIADC director,
Huxsoll will coordinate the activities of both. Huxsoll joined the LSU faculty in 1990 as associate dean of the
universitys School of Veterinary Medicine. From February 1995 to April
1999, he was dean of the veterinary school. His administrative responsibilities
included managing programs associated with the school's six veterinary medicine
departments, as well as coordinating advanced study programs for graduate
students and interns. He also oversaw research at several veterinary lab units.
In April 1999, he resigned as dean to devote more time to research and training
interests. While at LSU, Huxsoll participated in several outside assignments.
In July and August 1991, he was the senior scientist for a 13-member United
Nations Special Commission Biological Inspection Team to Iraq following
Operation Desert Storm. He was the team leader of the second UN Biological
Inspection Team to Iraq in September and October of 1991, and was chief
inspector for another UN inspection team to Iraq in September 1994. Prior to his tenure at LSU, Huxsoll served in the U.S. Army for 29
years. He served in numerous positions at the Division of Veterinary Medicine
at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research in Washington, D.C., and from
1983 to 1990 was the commander of the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of
Infectious Diseases at Frederick, Md. Huxsoll has written or co-written more than 100 scientific
publications. He is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association,
the Louisiana Veterinary Medical Association, the Malaysian Society of
Parasitology and Tropical Medicine, and the American Society for Microbiology.
He has also held positions on the Louisiana Animal Shelter Standards Advisory
Committee and the Audubon Zoological Gardens Research Advisory Board. A native of Indiana, Huxsoll attended Purdue University, where he
studied pre-veterinary medicine, and earned a B.S. from the University of
Illinois. He also earned a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree from the
University of Illinois and a Ph.D. in microbiology from the University of Notre
Dame. Contact: Wilda Martinez, ARS North Atlantic Area Director,
Directors Office, 600 E. Mermaid Lane, Wyndmoor, PA 19038, phone (215)
233-6593, fax (215) 233-6719. U.S. Department of Agriculture |