Scientists Test Weapon Against Potato
Microbes By Marcia
Wood December 23, 1996 A new weapon against
microorganisms that attack potatoes in storage is the goal of a cooperative
research and development agreement between the
Agricultural Research Service and an
Oklahoma company. Scientists with ARS and
Bio-Cide International,
Inc., Norman, Okla., will determine whether a chlorine dioxide-based
solution will protect stored tubers from microbes that cause spoilage. Of special concern: A new strain of late blight, caused by Phytophthora
infestans, may increase stored tubers' susceptibility to rots. Before they are
sold in supermarkets or processed into chips, fries or other popular potato
products, tubers may spend up to 10 months in storage. In lab and field experiments, ARS food safety scientists in California, a
potato researcher with ARS in Idaho, and Bio-Cide researchers will pinpoint
safe, effective dosages of the top-performing chlorine dioxide-based mixture.
They will also determine optimum conditions for applying it and best techniques
for its use by growers and processors. Bio-Cide anticipates regulatory approval
by fall 1997. Scientific contact: Lee S. Tsai, Western Regional Research Center,
Albany, CA (510) 559-5878 Story contacts Marcia A Wood U.S. Department of Agriculture | |