article about research in Agricultural Research. Keeping Dust on the FarmBy Don Comis March 31, 2000Its hard to believe that
airborne particles less than the thickness of a human hair--from blowing soil
or smoke--could be a health risk. But the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency has determined that dust composed of very fine, invisible particles,
known as PM 10 and PM 2.5, can exacerbate pre-existing respiratory ailments,
sometimes leading to premature deaths among the elderly. EPAs National
Ambient Air Quality Standards sets limits on permissible concentrations.
Although little is known about the health effects of farm dust compared to
those of smoke stack emissions, for example, the standards make no distinction.
So the U.S. Department of Agriculture is
working with EPA to find ways to minimize agricultures contribution to
the atmospheric dust load. Both agencies also want to avoid repetition of
dust-related highway accidents that have claimed a number of lives in recent
years. Of greatest concern are the PM 2.5 particles that may make up part of a dust
cloud and an even larger percentage of smoke. PM 2.5 refers to particulate
matter less than 2.5 microns in size. PM 10 particles are less than 10 microns.
Ten microns equals about 1/7th the diameter of a human hair. To minimize the contribution to the dust load of the atmosphere and save
farm topsoil, a team of U.S. Department of Agriculture and university
scientists have developed a computer model to estimate the amount of soil
blowing from farmland in the Pacific Northwests Columbia Plateau region
and its downwind impact. This regions light volcanic soils make this
region one of the worlds most vulnerable to losing topsoil in the wind.
Team leader Keith E. Saxton, an agricultural engineer with USDAs
Agricultural Research Service, also
serves on a National Agricultural Air Quality Task Force. The model simulates dust storms, showing the wind picking up farm soil,
carrying it in clouds miles above the ground, and then depositing it over urban
areas. Researchers are using it to evaluate farming practices that protect the
soil from blowing away, such as crop rotations that keep soil covered as long
as possible. An article about the research appears in the March issue of Agricultural Research magazine.
Also, the Discovery Channel will
cite this research in a television episode this fall. Scientific contact: Keith E. Saxton, ARS Land Management and Water
Conservation Research Unit, Pullman, Wash., phone (509) 335-2724, fax (509)
335-7786, [email protected]. U.S. Department of Agriculture |