Read: more
details in AR New Beneficial Insects on the
Way for Leafy Spurge ControlBy Kathryn Barry
Stelljes March 13, 2000A French midge and an Italian beetle
may soon join the ranks of the biological control agents used in the United
States to manage the noxious weed leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula). Agricultural Research Servicescientists and cooperators in Montana and Europe collaborated to identify, test
and import the two insects. Leafy spurge covers at least 5 million acres in 35
states and Canadian provinces. The midge, Spurgia capitigena, lays eggs near the tip of leafy spurge
stems. The developing larvae cause the plant to form a swelling, or gall, and
turn up its leaves. The gall, which provides food for the midge larvae, reduces
the weeds ability to produce seeds. ARS has received permits to release the midge and expects to receive a
shipment of insects from France in May. Researchers at the ARS
Northern Plains Agricultural Research
Center in Sidney, Mont., hope to release the insects early this summer. A stem-boring beetle, Thamnurgus euphorbiae, is next in line on the
spurge control team. ARS researchers at the European Biological Control Laboratory,
Montpellier, France, and cooperators showed that the beetle tunnels into spurge
stems to lay eggs. The larvae that hatch feed into the stems, weakening the
plant and reducing seed production. The beetle has gained support from the Technical Advisory Group for
Biological Control Agents of Weeds, an independent committee that counsels the
USDAs Animal and Plant Health
Inspection Service on whether to approve release of a pest-control agent.
If APHIS grants a permit, the beetle could be released in 2001. Both insects have been tested for efficacy against spurge and to ensure they
will not harm other vegetation. These insects would join 12 other beneficial insects imported for leafy
spurge control. Unlike existing agents, the new midge and beetle are expected
to thrive in sandy, shady or moist soils. That should give land managers new
options for spurge management along streams and rivers. An article about ARS program for importing beneficial insects to
control leafy spurge and other invasive weeds appears in the March issue of the
agencys monthly magazine, Agricultural Research. ARS is the chief research agency of the U.S.
Department of Agriculture. Scientific contact: Neal Spencer,
Northern Plains Agricultural Research Center, Sidney, Mont., phone (406)
482-2020, fax (406) 482-5038, [email protected];
Paul C. Quimby, European Biological Control Laboratory, Montpellier, France,
phone (334) 9962- 3000, fax (334) 9962-3049, [email protected]. U.S. Department of Agriculture |