Embargoed Until 2:00 pm EST NSF PR 03-08 - January 16, 2003
Media contact: Leslie Fink (703) 292-8070 [email protected] Program contact: William Zamer (703) 292-8421 [email protected] New Study Suggests Missing Link that Explains How Dinosaurs Learned to Fly
Ken Dial, who is a professor of vertebrate morphology and a licensed commercial pilot, holds an adult chukar partridge in his flight lab at the University of Montana. Photo Credit: K.P. Dial, University of Montana Select image for larger version (Size: 223KB) , or download a high-resolution TIFF version of image (4.89MB)
This video clip shows a three-day-old chukar partridge chick, which is hatched fully feathered, using its wings to help it climb a 50-dgree incline.
Download video: wair_hatchling.mov QuickTime wair_hatchling.wmv Windows Media Video Credit: K.P Dial, University of Montana This video clip shows two views of an adult chukar bird using its wings to help it climb a completely vertical, 90-degree surface.
Download video: wair_treevert.mov QuickTime wair_treevert.wmv Windows Media Video Credit: K.P Dial, University of Montana Larger versions (Total Size: 275KB) of all images from this document Note About Images Arlington, Va. -- Two-legged dinosaurs may have used their forelimbs as wing-like structures to propel themselves rapidly up steep inclines long before they took to the skies, reports a University of Montana researcher in the January 17 issue of the journal Science. The new theory adds a middle step that may link two current and opposing explanations for how reptiles evolved into flying birds. According to Kenneth Dial, author of the report, the transition from ground travel to flight may have required a "ramp-up" phase in which rapid movement of the animal's front appendages actually forced its body downward to gain more foot traction as it made its way up increasingly vertical slopes. "The big dilemma has been, 'How do you explain the partial wing?,'" says Dial, who is a professor of vertebrate morphology and ecology. "It turns out the proto-wings -- precursors to wings birds have today -- actually acted more like a spoiler on the back of a race car to keep the animal sure-footed even while climbing up nearly vertical surfaces," he said. "The development and role of movement in animals is critical to every aspect of their lives, " says William Zamer of the National Science Foundation (NSF), the agency that funded the study. "The results may also one day help humans design better vehicles for both land and air travel." NSF is an independent federal agency that supports fundamental research and education in all fields of science and engineering. The evolution of flying vertebrates has been a bone of contention since the 1800's. One school, which embraced the cursorial theory, argued that two-legged, ground-dwelling animals developed feathered wings that allowed them to become airborne. The opposing school, which favored the arboreal theory, held that flight originated in tree-dwelling animals that leapt from limb to limb and eventually developed gliding structures to soften their landings. For a century-and-a-half, each camp has tendered evidence to challenge the opposing theory. The solution, Dial says, may lie in an ordinary flapping behavior, which he calls "wing-assisted incline running," or WAIR, found in many modern-day hatchling and adult birds. "Although this behavior is common in nature, " he writes, WAIR's role in the evolution and survival of birds "has remained unappreciated" because it happens in short bursts that are difficult to study in the wild. So, Dial, who is also a licensed commercial an instrument-rated pilot, applied to partridges devices that sensed g-force and used high-speed film to document wing orientation in a laboratory setting. He found that newly hatched birds, yet unable to fly, successfully used WAIR to climb a 50-degree incline. Slightly older birds used WAIR to climb a 90-degree, or straight-up, surface, and adult birds used their wings literally to defy gravity. Wing flapping kept their bodies secured to the underside surface of a 105-degree overhang. "A significant portion of the wing beat cycle involves...forces that push the bird toward the inclined substrate, permitting animals to run vertically," Dial observed. Dial proposes that WAIR in modern-day birds is a remnant of their prehistoric ancestors. "In the proto-bird, this behavior would have represented the intermediate stage in the development of flight-capable, aerodynamic wings." Further re-orientation of the wings could then allow birds to make successful ascents into the air as well as safe landings. Experts believe birds evolved from a common ancestral protoavis dinosaur some 225 million years ago during the Mesozoic era. As the continental land mass broke apart, birds inhabited all corners of the Earth. While most bird species were wiped out with the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, many scientists consider birds the only true living relative of the dinosaurs. Related Links: Dial's Science paper (with links to movies) http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/299/5605/402
Overview of Dial's research program http://biology.umt.edu/flightlab/flightlab.htm
General discussion on the evolution of flight in birds http://www.lifesci.utexas.edu/courses/mcmurry/spring98/20/christina.html
Discussion of dinosaur-to-bird transition http://hometown.aol.com/darwinpage/dinobirds.htm NSF is an independent federal agency that supports fundamental research and education across all fields of science and engineering, with an annual budget of nearly $5 billion. NSF funds reach all 50 states through grants to nearly 2,000 universities and institutions. Each year, NSF receives about 30,000 competitive requests for funding, and makes about 10,000 new funding awards. NSF also awards over $200 million in professional and service contracts yearly. Receive official NSF news electronically through the e-mail delivery system, NSFnews. To subscribe, send an e-mail message to [email protected]. In the body of the message, type "subscribe nsfnews" and then type your name. (Ex.: "subscribe nsfnews John Smith") Receive NSF publications and reports through the email- and web-based alert service, Custom News. To subscribe, go to http://www.nsf.gov and click on "Custom News Service." Useful Web Sites: NSF Home Page: http://www.nsf.gov News Highlights: http://www.nsf.gov/home/news.html Newsroom: http://www.nsf.gov/od/lpa/news/media/start.htm Science Statistics: http://www.nsf.gov/sbe/srs/stats.htm Awards Searches: http://www.fastlane.nsf.gov/a6/A6Start.htm National Science Foundation Office of Legislative and Public Affairs 4201 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, Virginia 22230, USA Tel: 703-292-8070 FIRS: 800-877-8339 | TDD: 703-292-5090