January 2005
January 2005 Ophthalmology Journal
SAN FRANCISCO--Studies from the January 2005 issue of Ophthalmology, the clinical journal of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, are now available. These include:
- Sensitivity and Specificity of the STRATUS OCT for Perimetric Glaucoma
- PERG Abnormality and Glaucoma
- Restoration of Retinal Ganglion Cell Function in Early Glaucoma after Intraocular Pressure Reduction: A Pilot Study
- Configuration of the Drainage Angle, Intraocular Pressure, and Optic Disc Cupping in Subjects with Chronic Angle-Closure Glaucoma
- Differences in Optic Disc Topography between Black and White Normal Subjects
- Knowledge of Chronology of Optic Disc Stereophotographs Influences the Determination of Glaucomatous Change
- Femtosecond Laser-Assisted Posterior Lamellar Keratoplasty: Initial Studies of Surgical Technique in Eyebank Eyes
- Stability of Vision, Topography, and Endothelial Cell Density from 1 Year to 2 Years after Deep Lamellar Endothelial Keratoplasty Surgery
- Incision Sizes before and after Implantation of Foldable Intraocular Lenses with 6-mm Optic Using Monarch and Unfolder Injector Systems
- Effect of Optic Material on Posterior Capsule Opacification in Intraocular Lenses with Sharp Edge Optics: Randomized Clinical Trial
- Cortical, but Not Posterior Subcapsular, Cataract Shows Significant Familial Aggregation in an Older Population after Adjustment for Possible Shared Environmental Factors
- Familial Aggregation of Hyperopia in an Elderly Population of Siblings in Salisbury, Maryland
- One-Year Multicenter, Double-Masked, Placebo-Controlled, Parallel, Safety, and Efficacy Study of 2% Pirenzepine Ophthalmic Gel in Children with Myopia
- Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Measurements Are Not Changed after LASIK for High Myopia as Measured by Scanning Laser Polarimetry with Custom Compensation for Anterior Segment Birefringence
- Comparison of 2 Methods for Estimating Residual Stromal Bed before Repeat LASIK
- Incidence and Types of Childhood Exotropia: A Population-Based Study
- Presence of the Abducens Nerve According to the Type of Duane's Retraction Syndrome
- Mantle Cell Lymphoma in the Ocular Adnexal Region
- Retinal Nerve Fiber Layer Evaluation by Optical Coherence Tomography in Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy
- Five-Year Incidence of Age-Related Maculopathy in the Reykjavik Eye Study
- Intravitreal Triamcinolone-Induced Elevated IOP Is Associated with the Development of Posterior Subcapsular Cataract
- Quality of Life after Macular Translocation with 360-Degree Peripheral Retinectomy for Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- Vision-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Bilateral Severe Age-Related Macular Degeneration
- A Substitution of G to C in the Cone cGMP-Phosphodiesterase Gamma Subunit Gene Found in a Distinctive Form of Cone Dystrophy
To receive a copy of these studies, please contact the media relations unit at the American Academy of Ophthalmology at (415) 561-8534, [email protected].
The American Academy of Opthalmology is the world's largest association of eye physicians and surgeons--Eye M.D.s--with more than 27,000 members.