October 2005

ACP publishes 'Expert Guide to Sports Medicine'

Book targeted to primary care physicians

PHILADELPHIA -- (October 11, 2005) A new book, "Expert Guide to Sports Medicine," is now available from the American College of Physicians to help physicians care for all active patients. Active patients can include the high school cross-country runner, the weekend softball player, and the construction worker. At least 10 percent of a primary care practice involves evaluation of musculoskeletal disorders, according to the book's editors.

"Expert Guide to Sports Medicine" covers assessment and management of common musculoskeletal injuries. Other topics include nutrition, the pre-participation screening examination, cardiovascular conditions in athletes, exercise-induced asthma, drugs and supplements, hypo- and hyperthermia in exercise, sports psychology, and the exercise prescription. (The complete table of contents is available on the ACP Web site.)

The book's editors are David S. Ross, MD, director of the Methodist Health System's Primary Care Sports Medicine Fellowship Program, Dallas; Matthew F. Davis, MD, an internal medicine and sports medicine specialist in private practice in Dallas; and Peter F. Davis, MD, Staff Physician and Medical Director of Southern Methodist University Health Center, also in Dallas. Contributors to the book included internal medicine specialists, family practitioners, and orthopedic specialists.

"Expert Guide to Sports Medicine" is organized in three sections: Overview, Medical Conditions (non-musculoskeletal), and Musculoskeletal Injuries. The book includes tables, illustrations, and case studies; each chapter is referenced.

The book is available from the American College of Physicians. Contact the ACP Customer Service Department: [email protected]; or phone 215-351-2600 (M-F, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. ET). The ACP product number is 330351000; ISBN 1-930513-64-X. Browse to https://www.acponline.org/atpro/timssnet/catalog/books/sportsmed.htm to order online or to view table of contents. List price is $35.00; ACP members pay $32.00. The softcover book has 484 pages.

"Expert Guide to Sports Medicine" is part of the ACP Expert Guide series, which is designed to provide the practicing physician with expert advice presented in a clear, concise, and practical format. Other topics in the series include oncology, otolaryngology, rheumatology, pain management, infectious diseases, and allergy and immunology.

The American College of Physicians was founded in 1915 to promote the science and practice of medicine. In 1998 it merged with the American Society of Internal Medicine, which was established in 1956 to study economic aspects of medicine. ACP works to enhance the quality and effectiveness of health care by fostering excellence and professionalism in the practice of medicine. Its publishing program includes the journal Annals of Internal Medicine, electronic products, and books for the medical community and general reader. For more information, visit www.acponline.org.