October 2005

SUN Microsystems awards grant to Stevens ECE professors

Grant provides SUN computing equipment for education and research

HOBOKEN, N.J. -- Professor Jameela Al-Jaroodi and her team in the Schaefer School of Engineering's Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Stevens Institute of Technology have received an Academic Excellence Grant (AEG) from SUN Microsystems, Inc.

SUN is donating equipment, valued at $60,000, for a rack-based multi-node Grid system along with a Sun Ray thin clients bundle and a state-of-the-art high-end workstation. This equipment will establish the SUN Laboratory for Advanced Networked Systems (SUNLANS). In addition to Al-Jaroodi, the principal investigator, the team includes Professors Nader Mohamed, Rajarathnam Chandramouli and Chandra Kintala.

This project is geared toward establishing an advanced experimental laboratory based on SUN Microsystems equipment and development tools. The lab (SUNLANS) will play a vital role in increasing the utilization of high-end Grid systems in the research and educational aspects at ECE and the School of Engineering. On the educational end, the lab will provide the necessary computing environment to transform teaching methods into practical experiences. Several undergraduate and graduate courses in areas like middleware, networks, software systems, networked systems, security, multimedia and ad hoc and sensor networks will be enhanced through practical components using SUNLANS equipment.

In research, SUNLANS will provide the required resources to carry out experiments, simulations and project implementations supporting various research areas. The team members are involved in several research areas in software systems, middleware, real-time processing, systems reliability and security, multimedia systems, cluster and Grid computing, all of which would benefit greatly from this lab. Some examples of the projects in progress are: Distributed System Middleware, Communication Middleware for Enhancing Cluster Networks, large-scale digital image/video forensics, Java Object Passing Interface (JOPI), Content-Based Object Routing, Experimentation and Analysis of Software Rejuvenation Methodologies. In addition, several research groups in the School of Engineering and Stevens need high-performance and real-time applications and simulations that can be performed in SUNLANS.

About Stevens Institute of Technology
Established in 1870, Stevens offers baccalaureate, masters and doctoral degrees in engineering, science, computer science, management and technology management, as well as a baccalaureate in the humanities and liberal arts, and in business and technology. Located directly across the Hudson River from Manhattan, the university has enrollments of approximately 1,780 undergraduates and 2,700 graduate students, and a current enrollment of 2,250 online-learning students worldwide. Additional information may be obtained from its web page at www.Stevens.edu.

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