December 2005

Conference to address the challenge of renewable resources

A major international conference focusing on the growing impact of Renewable Resources will take place at the University of York, in the UK, next September.

The three-day symposium, which starts on 6 September 2006, will bring together academics, industrialists and policy-makers to discuss the challenges the world faces in embracing renewable resources - and present novel developments in their use.

The event at York will build on the success of the inaugural Renewable Resources and Biorefineries Conference hosted by the University of Ghent in Belgium on 19-21 September 2005, that attracted 330 delegates from 28 countries including Dr Christian Patermann, EU Director for Biotech, Agriculture and Food Research, representatives from the US Dept of Agriculture and from all levels of national governments.

As a Science City and with a University that is a centre for world-class research in Biotechnology and Green Chemistry, York is the ideal venue to host the second of these events.

Featuring a series of keynote speakers, the York conference will also include plenary lectures, oral presentations and an exhibition of scientific equipment and services.

The conference will highlight a range of topics including:

  • European Policy and Socio-Economic Issues
  • Biorefineries
  • Renewable Feedstocks for chemical manufacture
  • Industrial biotechnology and bioprocessing
  • Carbohydrates and Oleochemicals
  • New Materials and Products based on Renewable Resources
  • Biofuels and Bio-energy
  • Sustainability of the use of renewable resources
  • Investment

    Professor James Clark, of the York event's organising committee, said: "The inaugural conference in Ghent was inspirational and we want to build on its tremendous success."

    Details of how to reserve places at the symposium will be announced early in the New Year.

    Notes for editors:

    Science City York is a successful partnership between the City of York Council, the University of York and private industry. It was created in 1998 to capitalise on the international research strengths of the University of York and other strengths of the city and sub-region to generate new high quality local business and employment opportunities The Science City York model has achieved high levels of business engagement to foster an environment in which creative, science and technology excellence can thrive. Science City York has a major track record of success with more than 240 science, technology and creative organisations already based in York and creating more than 2600 jobs and 60 companies in its first seven years. Its future vision, supported by Yorkshire Forward, is to create an additional 15,000 technology-based jobs by 2021. Further information from:

    .For more information on the 2005 Renewable Resources and Biorefineries Conference, go to