July 2005

PediPump presents hope for children with heart failure

A new ventricular assist device (VAD) called the PediPump has been developed specifically for use in children. A status report on this new device appears in the July issue of the journal Artificial Organs.

Measuring at just 7mm x 70 mm, this small rotary dynamic VAD is suitable for use in children, including newborns, in treatment of end-stage heart failure. The program that developed the PediPump is a partnership between clinicians at The Children's Hospital at the Cleveland Clinic and researchers in Biomedical Engineering, The Lerner Research Institute of the Cleveland Clinic.

"Historically, children have had few options for mechanical support of the failing heart," states lead researcher, Dr. Brian Duncan. "The PediPump is an artificial heart pump designed specifically for children with heart failure. The experimental development of the PediPump and similar devices will give new hope to children with heart failure."

According to researchers, despite being much smaller than traditional VADs, the PediPump has demonstrated excellent hemodynamic performance and its versatile design will ultimately allow for its use in a variety of clinical settings. Researchers plan to further reduce the size of the PediPump to allow for a totally implantable pediatric VAD.

This study is published in the July issue of Artificial Organs. Media wishing to receive a PDF of the article contact [email protected].

Brian W. Duncan, M.D. is an associate staff member of The Children's Hospital at The Cleveland Clinic, Pediatric and Congenital Heart Surgery division. He has given numerous lectures worldwide on the topic of pediatric mechanical circulatory support and has edited a book considered to be the definitive text in this field. For questions or interviews, please contact Angie Kiska, Media Relations, The Cleveland Clinic, at 216-444-6002.

About Artificial Organs
Artificial Organs is the official peer reviewed journal of the International Federation for Artificial Organs, the International Faculty for Artificial Organs, and the International Society for Rotary Blood Pumps. Since 1977, Artificial Organs has been publishing original articles featuring the studies of design, performance, and evaluation of the biomaterials and devices for the international medical, scientific, and engineering communities involved in the research and clinical application of artificial organ development. Artificial Organs, published monthly, brings its readership the depth and breadth of the science and technology that continues to advance the replacement, recovery and regeneration of organ systems.

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