May 2005
Sen. Bingaman and Rep. Ehlers honored for contributions to science, engineering and technology
Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-N.M) and Rep. Vernon Ehlers (R-Mich.) will share the 2005 George E. Brown Jr. Award for their contributions to science, engineering and technology. The award is presented annually by the Science, Engineering and Technology Work Group to members of Congress who are effective advocates for federal investment in science, engineering and technology. The award is named for the late Rep. George E. Brown, Jr. (D-Calif.), who made outstanding contributions to federal support in these areas over a long and distinguished career in Congress.
Sen. Bingaman and Rep. Ehlers will be honored at a reception in the Rayburn House Office Building cafeteria on Tuesday, 10 May at 6 p.m. in conjunction with the 10th annual Congressional Visits Day, Tuesday and Wednesday, 10-11 May.
Sen. Bingaman is being honored for his leadership efforts to increase federal investment in research and development (R&D), particularly through the Department of Energy (DOE), as well as investment in training the scientists and engineers who will make technological advances possible. He and Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-Tenn.) recently wrote a letter in support of the DOE's Office of Science that has garnered the support of more than two-thirds of their Senate colleagues.
Rep. Ehlers, who holds a Ph.D. in nuclear physics, is being recognized for being a stalwart supporter and leading advocate for federal investment in science, engineering and technology for the nation's benefit; and for his recognition and promotion of a vital federal R&D enterprise, with special emphasis on the role of science and engineering education at all levels.
Congressional Visits Day (CVD) is the preeminent event bringing scientists, engineers, researchers, educators and technology executives to Washington to visit their congressional representatives and raise visibility and support for science, engineering and technology. The two-day event is coordinated by a multidisciplinary coalition of companies, professional societies and educational institutions that support science, engineering and technology in academia, government and private industry.
For more information on the award and CVD, see www.setcvd.org.
IEEE-USA is an organizational unit of the IEEE. It was created in 1973 to advance the public good and promote the careers and public policy interests of the more than 220,000 technology professionals who are U.S. members of the IEEE. The IEEE is the world's largest technical professional society. For more information, go to http://www.ieeeusa.org.
Editor's Note: Media are invited to attend the 10 May reception and other CVD activities. Contact Chris McManes, IEEE-USA's senior public relations coordinator, at [email protected] or 202-785-0017, ext. 8356.