March 2005

SciFinder scholar now in use at more than 1000 schools

SAN DIEGO, CA, March 14, 2005 - SciFinder Scholar has enhanced its standing as one of the world's most widely used research tools by exceeding an installed user base of one thousand colleges and universities internationally. The one thousand institution mark was surpassed as academic consortia in Brazil and mainland China signed agreements to adopt SciFinder Scholar to serve the research needs of member universities with a combined enrollment of more than a million students. CAS announced this achievement during the American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting in San Diego, California.

An agreement with the Brazilian academic consortium, CAPES, and a similar agreement with a group known as CALIS in China will provide over 100 universities with access to this CAS research tool. Since the introduction of SciFinder Scholar in 1998 it has become the most widely adopted research tool of its kind, with installations at universities throughout North America, South America, Europe, India, Africa, China, Japan, and other parts of Asia.

"SciFinder Scholar has enjoyed widespread acceptance in academia in part because it has made the most comprehensive databases of scientific information so easily accessible," said John F. Martin, CAS Academic and Government Markets Manager. "But this service has also initiated innovative pricing programs that acknowledge the different needs of Ph.D., Bachelor's, and Master's degree programs. Content and ease-of-use have proved to be a winning combination for SciFinder Scholar and its users."

Like the SciFinder research tool for scientists in industry, SciFinder Scholar provides access to CAS databases containing bibliographic information for chemistry-related literature and patents back to the beginning of the 20th century, plus the world's largest chemical substance database, the CAS Registry. SciFinder Scholar's intuitively easy user interface eliminates the need to train users in searching techniques, thus making the exploration of published information an everyday part of the research process.

CAS, a division of the American Chemical Society, is an organization of scientists creating and delivering the most complete and effective digital information environment for scientific research and discovery. CAS provides pathways to published research in the world's journal and patent literature--virtually everything relevant to chemistry plus a wealth of information in the life sciences and a wide range of other scientific disciplines--back to the beginning of the twentieth century. In addition to offering STN in North America, CAS publishes the print version of Chemical Abstracts, related publications and CD-ROM services; operates the CAS Chemical Registry; produces a family of online databases; and offers the SciFinder desktop research tool. The CAS web site is at

Eric Shively, CAS