October 2005

Dissociation now online

University of Oregon offers access to seminal psychology journal

EUGENE, ORE.--(October 25, 2005)--The University of Oregon Libraries, in collaboration with the university's psychology department, has created an online archive of Dissociation, a seminal psychology journal.

Dissociation was published in ten volumes between 1988 and 1997 by Dissociative Disorders Research Publications, Ltd., as the official journal of the International Society for the Study of Dissociation (ISSD). ISSD is a nonprofit, professional association organized to develop and promote comprehensive, clinically effective, and empirically-based resources and responses to dissociation and to address its relevance to other theoretical constructs. Jennifer Freyd, professor of psychology and editor of ISSD's new journal, The Journal of Trauma & Dissociation, together with Frank Putnam of Cincinnati's Children's Hospital Medical Center, proposed the digitization project to ISSD, the university libraries, and the journal's original copyright holder, Richard Kluft, M.D.

With the support of the copyright holder and ISSD and the generous donation of print copies from Kluft, Frank Putnam, M.D., Catherine Fine, Ph.D., and Ruth Blizard, Ph.D., the university's Metadata and Digital Library Services digitized the journal. Each article has been digitized separately and entered into Scholars' Bank, the university's archive for scholarly output. The Dissociation archive, which is full-text searchable and freely available for scholars and researchers around the world, can be accessed at: https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/dspace/handle/1794/1129. More than 400 articles are indexed and available for reading and downloading through the archive.

"This is a very worthwhile project and one of considerable urgency," said Kluft. "With each year, the importance of dissociation in the mental health sciences grows, yet with each year accessing the wealth of information in Dissociation becomes increasingly difficult for scholars."

"The library is excited by the opportunity to preserve access to such an important body of research," said Carol Hixson, head of the university's Metadata and Digital Library Services and coordinator of Scholars' Bank. "This project underscores the potential impact that institutional archives such as Scholars' Bank can have on scholarly communication. We're grateful to Dr. Freyd for proposing the project and for working so closely with us and her colleagues to make it a reality."

Contact: Mary Stanik, (541) 346-3873, [email protected]
Source: Jennifer Freyd, (541) 346-4950, [email protected]
Link: https://scholarsbank.uoregon.edu/dspace/handle/1794/1129