May 2005
IEEE-USA launches compensation portal for employers of technical professionals
WASHINGTON (26 May 2005) -- The launching of the IEEE-USA Salary Service gives employers of technical professionals direct access to the database of the IEEE-USA Salary & Fringe Benefits Survey.
This service provides employers advanced online tools for accurately benchmarking technical professionals' compensation. It combines the power of relational databases and sophisticated regression modeling with salary survey data from nearly 15,000 U.S. IEEE members. This gives the salary service detailed information on every industry, line of business, job function, technical specialty and U.S. location in the technical workforce.
"Our salary service makes it easier for employers to determine with accuracy how to fairly compensate an employee in nearly every U.S. electrotechnology and information technology occupation," IEEE-USA President Gerry Alphonse said. "Compensation research in these fields can now reach an unprecedented level of depth and customization."
The salary service is available in a standard package for $399 that includes "Published Reports" and "My Reports." The latter is the only tool that uses a simple query wizard to provide a nearly unlimited and customized array of options to cross tabulate and present data. The premium package, for $100 more, also features access to three advanced analysis tools, including an individual compensation analyzer that factors in 12 significant variables to provide precise pay estimates for particular employees.
For more information and a demonstration of the IEEE-USA Salary Service, visit http://salaryapp.ieeeusa.org/rt/salary_database/about/salaryservice. The site's homepage is at http://salary.ieeeusa.org.
The service also has a member version that is free to any U.S. IEEE member who completes the salary survey. This service enables individuals to benchmark their own compensation using a salary calculator powered by a regression model from the survey data. Members can record how their salaries track their career progress, how they measure up to their peers, and what effect possible job or career moves can have on their compensation. Go to http://salaryapp.ieeeusa.org/salary and click "IEEE Member Login" to gain access to the IEEE-USA Salary Service and Survey.
IEEE-USA is an organizational unit of the IEEE. It was created in 1973 to advance the public good and promote the careers and public policy interests of the more than 220,000 technology professionals who are U.S. members of the IEEE. The IEEE is the world's largest technical professional society. For more information, go to http://www.ieeeusa.org.