April 2005

Cost-effectiveness of drugs may vary across borders

April 14, 2005 – A study published in the journal Value in Health reviews variations in estimates of cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals from country to country. Data showed that the results seen in one country are not necessarily applicable in another and that decision makers need to interpret data from other countries very carefully.

This research was conducted within and across multiple countries in Western Europe to assess the generalizability of the cost-effectiveness of new pharmaceuticals. While health results of clinical studies of drugs tend to be transferable from one area to the next, the cost-effectiveness of drugs is dependent on location. This information is becoming increasingly important to healthcare policy makers.

"Because the healthcare systems in different countries vary considerably, we shouldn't automatically assume that a new drug that gives good value for money in one country will do so an another," states Professor Michael Drummond, co-author of the study. Study results emphasized the fact that economic evaluations in one country give little basis on which to predict cost-effectiveness across borders.

Factors affecting the variations include demography and epidemiology of disease, difference in clinical practice patterns, and differences in relative prices cross-country. This variability is a particular concern for decision makers, those conducting economic studies and particularly pharmaceutical manufacturers, who may have to consider repeating studies in every possible setting.

This study is published in Value in Health. Media wishing to receive a PDF of the article please contact [email protected].

Michael Drummond, BSc, MCom, DPhil, is Professor of Health and Economics and Director of the Centre for Health Economics at theUniversity of York.

Corresponding author Jeremy Chancellor, MSc of Innovus Research (UK) Ltd. can be reached for questions at [email protected].

About Value in Health
Value in Health is a multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal reporting on evaluations of medical technologies including pharmaceuticals, biologics, devices, procedures, and other health care interventions. As the official journal of the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research, the Journal provides a scientific forum for communicating health economics and outcomes research methods and findings.

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