October 2005

Media alert: Special sessions feature Utah's military, agriculture connections

Social, environmental, scientific impacts to be presented in Salt Lake City on Nov. 7

MADISON, WI, OCTOBER 24, 2005 – Two sessions featuring a look at Utah's past, present, and future--one covering Utah's Military History and one focusing on Utah's Agricultural Research--will be presented on Monday, Nov. 7 in Salt Lake City, UT. The events will be held as part of the International Annual Meetings of the American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America, Nov. 6-10, 2005.

  • Utah's Military Past, or How We Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Pentagon, David Rich Lewis, Utah State University, Department of History, Monday, Nov. 7 2005 - 8:30 AM, Room 150D, Salt Palace Convention Center
    Utah's association with the U.S. military has not always been particularly comfortable. From the march of Johnston's Army on Utah during the Utah War of 1857-58, to the proliferation of military installations during and after World War II, to the experience of nuclear and chemical/biological Downwinders, Utahns have maintained a complex and ambiguous relationship with the Pentagon. This presentation offers a historical survey of Utah's experience with the U.S. military, with an eye toward the social and environmental impacts of military installations and operations in the state.

  • Utah Agricultural Research, Past, Present and Future, H. Paul Rasmussen, Utah State University, Monday, Nov. 7 2005 - 8:30 AM, Room 250D, Salt Palace Convention Center
    The research agenda from years past has established the direction of much of today's research. Such research will be discussed as well as those areas under investigation at the present time. Examples of opportunities and challenges will be presented and discussed as they related to the State of Utah, the region, nation and international impacts. Many factors impact the direction of research, some of the factors will be presented and the direction taken by Utah Agricultural Experiment Station researchers.

    A full slate of technical sessions covering 2,500 research papers presented by 3,000 attendees is scheduled through noon on Thursday, Nov. 10. To view the exciting program, search the abstracts, click on "Meeting Program" at: www.saltlake-2005.org

    ASA (www.agronomy.org), CSSA (www.crops.org), and SSSA (www.soils.org) are educational organizations helping its 10,000+ members advance the discipline and practice of agronomy, crop and soil sciences by supporting professional growth and science policy initiatives, and by providing quality, research-based publications and a variety of member services.