May 2005

A new look at theory, evidence and policies in innovation

Barcelona: The World Bank, the Centre for International Economic Research (CREI) of the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona and Stanford University organise a scientific conference on "R&D and Innovation in the development process. A New Look at Theory, Evidence and Policy" which will take place in Barcelona, Spain on 9-11 June 2005.

The conference will examine issues affecting the Innovation and R&D capacities of countries, such as science, universities, industrial, intellectual property, labour reform and the consequent impact on growth and welfare.

The event will have a strong policy focus and is designed to demonstrate to researchers and policy makers the R&D and Innovation capacities at different stages of country development. It will address questions from policy makers, in both advanced and developing countries on how to design and implement effective innovation policies.

The three-day conference will consist of several presentations and policy panel discussions by experienced policy makers including the European Commissioner for Research Mr. Janez Potocnik and Mr. Guillermo Perry, Chief Economist of the World Bank, amongst others. The conference will be of particular interest to R&D, science and innovation senior officials, researchers, decision and policy makers, patent attorney and others involved in R&D, policy development and Intellectual Property rights.

Media Contact:

Marta Czerniawska
Park Leopold
Rue Wiertz, 50/28
B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
Tel.: 32-240-161-47
Fax: 32-240-168-68
Email: [email protected]

For further information about the Conference, please contact:

Program organizers:
William F. Maloney (World Bank) [email protected]
Ramon Marimon (UPF-CREi) [email protected]
Paul Romer (Stanford University) [email protected]

Senior Program Assistants:
Ruth Izquierdo (World Bank) [email protected]
Ana Cano (CREi) [email protected]

Time and Place:

9 � 11 June 2005
Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Barcelona, Spain

Editor's note:

The conference is sponsored by the Office of the Chief Economist for Latin America, World Bank, CREi - Centre de Recerca en Economia Internacional, UPF, Fundaci�n BBVA and Fundaci� Catalana per a la Recerca i la Innovaci�.