October 2005
ASH Self-Assessment Program receives approval for maintenance of certification credit
American Board of Internal Medicine diplomates can earn majority of lifelong learning credits from a single source
(WASHINGTON, October 25, 2005) – The American Society of Hematology is pleased to announce that the ASH Self-Assessment Program (ASH-SAP) has been approved by the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) to provide 60 lifelong learning points for the ABIM Maintenance of Certification (MOC) program.
In January 2006, the ABIM will modify its requirements for physicians seeking recertification. Similar to the current system, physicians will still need to verify their medical credentials and pass a secure exam. What has significantly changed is the requirement to secure 100 points through "lifelong learning" activities. Through completion of the ASH-SAP, physicians can earn 60 out of 100 learning points toward recertification.
"The ASH-SAP is designed to serve as the key resource for core knowledge in the pathophysiology and management of hematologic disorders. The SAP editors and authors are sincerely gratified by the ABIM recognition and approval of the SAP as a core component of board recertification, and by the benefit this provides to practicing hematologists," said Michael E. Williams, M.D., co-editor of the current edition of the ASH-SAP and Chair of the ASH Committee on Educational Affairs.
The ASH-SAP is a comprehensive reference and teaching tool that is divided into chapters dedicated to specific topical areas in hematology, providing timely clinical updates in each area. The self-assessment exam is composed of case-based, multiple-choice questions and critiques. The ASH-SAP's Web-based multimedia component links references in the text and exam to other educational resources offered by the American Society of Hematology, including articles in Blood, articles in Hematology (the ASH Education Program Book), and ASH Image Bank images.
The ABIM is the U.S. board that establishes the standards and creates the examinations for certification and maintenance of certification in internal medicine and its subspecialties, including hematology.
For more information about the ASH Self-Assessment Program, visit www.hematology.org.
For more information about the ABIM's MOC program, visit www.abim.org.
The American Society of Hematology is the world's largest professional society concerned with the causes and treatment of blood disorders. Its mission is to further the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders affecting blood, bone marrow, and the immunologic, hemostatic, and vascular systems, by promoting research, clinical care, education, training, and advocacy in hematology.