February 2004
USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
Fair to showcase innovations in natural resources, forestryPORTLAND, Ore. February 18, 2004. The Pacific Northwest (PNW) Research Station, in collaboration with the Western Forestry and Conservation Association, is presenting an Innovation Fair. The fair highlights new concepts, practices, and technologies generated by PNW Research Station scientists and their collaborators with application to forests in the Pacific Northwest.
"As our first innovation fair," said Cynthia Miner, the Station's communications and applications director, "we're looking forward to sharing information and technologies generated to benefit understanding and management of forests."
The fair is scheduled for February 25, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the World Forestry Center's Miller Hall located at 4033 S.W. Canyon Road in Portland, Ore. It is expected to attract resource managers and specialists from public, private, and nongovernmental organizations. Admission is $45.00 and is open to the public.
"Whether a natural resource specialist or someone with a keen interest in forests," says Miner, "attendees will have a chance to talk with scientists, developers, and users of state-of-the science tools."
More than 30 exhibits will be featured with topics ranging from wildfire risk to noxious weed invasion. Scientists will provide information, tools and techniques to attendees by using computer simulations or photographic or video descriptions or by interacting with an innovation itself.
Scientists and developers are available to discuss their innovations and offer free publications, guides and software.
For more information on the 2004 Innovation Fair, visit http://www.fs.fed.us/pnw/calendar/innovation-fair.shtml.
The Pacific Northwest Research Station is headquartered in Portland, Ore. It has 10 laboratories located in Alaska, Oregon and Washington and about 500 employees.
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