December 2004
The National Academies
National Academies advisory: Dec. 8 news conference on Hubble Space TelescopeASSESSMENT OF OPTIONS FOR EXTENDING THE LIFE OF THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE, a new congressionally mandated report from the National Academies' National Research Council, assesses the viability of proposed shuttle or robotic missions to upgrade the telescope. The report will be released at a one-hour news conference.
Wednesday, Dec. 8, from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. in room 100 at the National Academies' Keck Center, 500 Fifth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. Reporters who cannot attend may listen to a live audio webcast of the briefing and submit questions using an e-mail form at http://national-academies.org. (The webcast requires RealPlayer software, available free at http://www.real.com/player. For more information on setup and hardware requirements, see the Real.com site.)
CHARLES F. BOLDEN, Jr., Senior Vice President, TechTrans International, Houston, Tex. LOUIS J. LANZEROTTI, consultant, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, Murray Hill, N.J. JOSEPH H. ROTHENBERG, president, Universal Space Network, Horsham, Pa. RICHARD H. TRULY, director, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colo.
Reporters can obtain copies or register to attend by contacting the National Academies' Office of News and Public Information at tel. 202-334-2138 or e-mail . Advance copies will be available to reporters only beginning at 10 a.m. EST on Dec. 8. THE REPORT IS EMBARGOED AND NOT FOR PUBLIC RELEASE BEFORE 2 P.M. EST ON DEC. 8.
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