August 2004

The National Academies

National Academies Advisory: Sept. 18-19 Nanotechnology Conference

Research on nanotechnology is under way in a wide range of disciplines — from cell biology to computer engineering to optics — but scientists are often unaware of developments in fields other than their own. At this conference, 100 leading researchers will gather to explore the future of nanoscience in medical imaging, materials science, and other disciplines, and develop a common language with which to discuss nano developments. Participants will meet again from Nov. 19-21 in Irvine, Calif., for the annual Keck Futures conference, at which they will continue their discussions and compete for research grants.

DETAILS: The Sept. 18-19 conference will be held simultaneously at two National Academies facilities: the Keck Center, 500 Fifth St., N.W., Washington, D.C.; and the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center, 100 Academy Drive, Irvine, Calif. The locations will be linked by video conference.

REPORTERS WHO WISH TO ATTEND MUST REGISTER IN ADVANCE by contacting Marty Perreault, National Academies Keck Futures Initiative, tel. 949-387-5783 or e-mail [email protected]. Space is limited. For more information and a preliminary program, visit

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