May 2004

The National Academies

American Film Institute to hold screenwriting workshop for scientists and engineers

WASHINGTON – The American Film Institute is accepting applications from scientists and engineers to participate in a workshop to learn about writing for movies and television. Focusing on the craft and practice of screenwriting, CATALYST WORKSHOP: COMMUNICATING SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING will be held July 17 and 18, 2004, at the American Film Institute in Los Angeles.

The purpose of the workshop is two fold: to provide a means for scientists and engineers to become more knowledgeable about motion picture projects, and to encourage them to learn how to write and submit scripts. Scientists and engineers are needed as consultants on movie sets, just as lawyers and police officers have been for the past decade.

Applications are due June 9, 2004. Twelve applicants will be selected to attend the workshop. For application procedures and requirements, visit

The workshop is funded by the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research. The National Academies supports accurate portrayal of science and engineering on TV and film, and encourages interested scientists and engineers to get involved.

Additional Contact:
Megan Petty, Media Relations Assistant
Office of News and Public Information
202-334-2138; e-mail [email protected]

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